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Molecular mechanisms in fish infection and immunity​

Molecular mechanisms in fish infection and immunity​

The group investigates the mechanisms of the innate and adaptive immune response of fish and how they are modified during infection with different pathogens. This knowledge leads to the development of long-term mass vaccination systems using specific adjuvants. The group investigates the mechanisms of the innate and adaptive immune response of fish and how they are modified during infection with different pathogens. This knowledge leads to the development of long-term mass vaccination systems using specific adjuvants.

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The research carried out is both basic and applied, aimed at the pharmaceutical and the aquaculture production sectors, and with possible cross-sectional application to other animal models. The main lines in development in different species (trout, sea bream, cyprinids) are the following:

  • Study the molecular pathways of immune response modulated by pathogens.
  • Characterization of vaccine adjuvants, specially flagellin, for the improvement of the humoral and cellular immune response.
  • Development of oral multi-vaccines to develop a long-lasting immune response.​


The development of the research seeks to improve current vaccination systems as a method of prevention of infectious diseases, which allow animal welfare and at the same time an improvement of aquaculture production.

Currently there are numerous diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites for which there is no prevention by vaccination. Some of these diseases have gained importance when establishing breeding systems and, therefore, a greater number of individuals are capable of being infected in fresh and salt water.

The research developed by the group achieves the following objectives:

  • We determine proteins as vaccine candidates for a virus under study for the development of humoral and cellular immunity.
  • We perform the characterization of vaccine adjuvants (flagellin) in the innate and adaptive response in different tissues and administration routes, systemic and mucosal in trout, as a fish model of interest in aquaculture.
  • We study the production of systemic IgM and mucosal IgT antibodies, and their correlation after immunization in trout.
  • We study the cellular immune response in lymphoid organs from trout after vaccination.
  • We carry out the study of the transcriptomic pathways involved in the immune response induced by viruses and vaccines. The cellular pathways activated in the immune response are different depending on the type of response and the cells involved.


Molecular mechanisms in fish infection and immunity​ Members

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