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Physiology and technology of reproduction in swine

Physiology and technology of reproduction in swine

Our work is oriented to the study of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence reproduction in swine species.

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Department of Animal Reproduction

In order to increase the genetic potential of the boars, a single seminal dose per sow oestrus has been applied, for which the performance achieved with 3 different models in semen processing (refrigeration, cryopreservation and encapsulation) has been studied. In the inseminated sows, the fertility rate and the embryo viability was evaluated at 24 days of gestation. A notable improvement was found in the percentage of embryonic vesicles with respect to the ovulation of the inseminated sows with encapsulated semen (85.43%), with respect to the refrigerated group (79.40%) and the cryopreserved group (77.78%). Semen encapsulation is shown as a technique that can offer better productive performances than the methodologies usually used.

In order to increase the genetic potential of the boars, a single seminal dose per sow oestrus has been applied, for which the performance achieved with 3 different models in semen processing (refrigeration, cryopreservation and encapsulation) has been studied. In the inseminated sows, the fertility rate and the embryo viability was evaluated at 24 days of gestation. A notable improvement was found in the percentage of embryonic vesicles with respect to the ovulation of the inseminated sows with encapsulated semen (85.43%), with respect to the refrigerated group (79.40%) and the cryopreserved group (77.78%). Semen encapsulation is shown as a technique that can offer better productive performances than the methodologies usually used.


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