How to improve production and adaptation to climate change in crops is one of the key challenges that plant scientist has to address with the purpose to development molecular markers that allow accelerating the selection in future breeding programs. Our group is focused in developing new genetic and molecular tools to address this challenge. Our research program involved four main fields: 1) Molecular and phenotypic characterization of plant genetic resources of grapevine collections (Vitis vinífera L) and the study of the domestication process. 2) Development of genomic tools to identify the genetic bases of the natural variation at berry quality traits. 3) Identify natural genotypes tolerant to abiotic stress (drought and salinity) related to climate change and evaluation of candidate genes responsible of the phenotypic variation. 4) The final objective is the development of molecular tools that allow accelerating the selection in future breeding programs of grapevine.
We are interested in understanding the mechanisms that regulate plant developmental phase transitions affecting crop yield, such as flowering time and germination.
Viruses offer a myriad of opportunities to be targets or tools of plant biotechnology. In our research group we focus our work on two main ones.
The main goal of our research is to understand how primary nitrogen and sulphur metabolism is regulated and coordinated and how they modulate plant growth and development. We are especially interested in the way other adverse environmental conditions like extreme temperatures and drought modulate nutrient status and nutrient stress responses. We are conducting different high throughput genetic strategies, developing system biology tools, and a set of growth conditions to dissect the signalling pathways and the molecular and genetic mechanisms involved in the control of the nutrient status on growth and development. Arabidopsis and tomato and their relative wild species are used as models in the different research lines
Root developmental traits associated with crop adaptability to extreme environmental conditions.
Laboratory of Comparative Genomics, Metagenomics and Phylogenomics: Functional, evolutionary and ecological characterization of microbial ecosystems (microbiomes)
Mechanisms of plant adaptation to stress: study of regulation of translation and protein folding
Efficient root systems for a sustainable agriculture
Plant epigenetics
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