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Plant Protection​​​​

Plant Protection​​​​

We investigate the integrated control of pests, diseases and weeds, within the framework of sustainable agriculture, in accordance with current legislation, and with special attention to the environment, biodiversity and the optimization of resources.

  • Bacteriology

    The group studies plant bacteria to know their infection mechanisms as well as approaches their detection and characterization, both essential for disease control.

  • Entomology

    We search integrated pest control strategies that are respectful of the environment and beneficial arthropods and that take into account the biodiversity and biology of arthropods.

  • Fungal plant pathogens

    Our research focuses on the study of Etiology, Epidemiology and sustainable disease control caused by phytopathogenic fungi on fruit and vegetables

  • Weed control

    We contribute to crop protection by conducting research on Integrated Weed control and the use of spatial information technologies for precision agriculture

  • Nematology

    Integrated control of parasitic nematodes in agroforestry systems, and the study of host-parasite interactions.

  • Plant protection products/pesticides

    We do research to propose new risk assessment methodologies for active substances and plant protection products under the European regulation.

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