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 Repositories and Open Science

​Research data repository and instituional repository of scientific production

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The aim of the Repositories is dissemination and visibility of the science that is developed in the institute, facilitating the incorporation of research data, scientific production and the publications of the INIA editorial (journals and monographs).

The objective is to facilitate the access of the scientific community to the data and results of the research carried out at INIA.

r2i2 I​nstitutional Repository of Scientifc P​roduction 

r2i2​ is our institutional repository for the scientific production in accordance with international standards and protocols for open access (OAI).

Its aim is to collect, preserve and disseminate scientific knowledge generated by the institution and facilitate open access consultation with strict respect for copyright. The repository includes scientific articles, presentations or communications to congresses, electronic journals edited by the institution, informative material, educational materials….​


DIGITAL.CSIC is the institutional repository of the CSIC. It organizes, preserves and provides open access to CSIC research outputs.
The information contained in r2i2 will soon be uploaded to this repository.

Open Science

CSIC is officially committed to open access to research since the signing of the Berlin Declaration in 2006. To increase the visibility, use and impact of the results of its scientific community's research the CSIC Institutional Mandate on Open Access is approved in 2019.

The CSIC has an Open Access (OA) Publication Support Program, in the framework of which agreements have been reached with some publishers with which authors, who want to publish in OA, benefit from total or partial financing of the article processing charges (APCs).

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