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Animal Health​​​


We investigate for the prevention, diagnosis and control of transmissible animal diseases, with special attention to emerging, re-emerging and transboundary infectious diseases with important economic and health impact, as well as to the pathogens that produce them. These diseases can cause restrictions in the international trade of animals, meat and products, or have an impact on public health or food safety.
  • Molecular and Cellular Biology of Prions

    The Molecular and Cellular Biology of Prions Group studies prion propagation through in vivo and in vitro models, focusing on studies of interspecies transmission mechanisms and/or the zoonotic potential of prions.

  • Emerging and Transboundary Diseases

    We study emerging and transboundary viral infections with high sanitary and economic impact both in animal and human health.

  • Epidemiology and Environmental Health

    Our group works on the diagnosis and epidemiology of emerging diseases, of zoonotic or economically relevant diseases and, in antimicrobial resistances.

  • Fish Immunology and Pathology

    Infectious diseases, especially viruses and parasites, provoke important losses in aquaculture. To control these pathogens, it is essential to understand how the immune system is regulated in fish.

  • Immunoprofilaxis of Vector-Borne Viral Diseases

    The group is interested in the development of methods for the control of arboviruses such as Bunyaviruses and Orbiviruses, or respiratory viruses such as Influenza and Coronavirus.

  • New Strategies for the Control of relevant Pathogens in Animal Health

    Virus-host interaction studies in pigs, ruminants and lagomorphs and development of DIVA vaccines based on virus like particles (VLPs) and recombinant adenoviruses.

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