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​Library and Documents

​INIA library is considered a reference in agricultural and food sujects. The bibliographic collection has about 5,000 printed and electronic journal titles, 39,000 volumes of books,  among which is an important antique collection, and the publications of editorial INIA.​​

​INIA library is a reference scientific in agriculture, food, livestock, environment, forestry, genetic, reproduction and animal health.​

  • Information and user service

  • Document request and interlibrary loan

  • Electronic journals

  • Catalogues, databases and electronic collections

  • Repositories and Open Science

  • Research support


The INIA’s Library is part of the CSIC's Library & Archive Network​. The Network is made up of the Unit of Scientific Information Resources for Research, 58 research libraries and 16 scientific archives.

(We are currently in the process of integrating our catalog and repository with those of CSIC).


CSIC Virtual Library OA Publication Support Program for CSIC Authors
Digital.CSIC List of Services
GesBib FAQs
Simurg Complaints and Suggestions​​


Libraries and Archives Network Contact :

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