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Environmental ​Chemistry

Environmental ​Chemistry

​Our research is focused on the development and application of methodology for the analysis and evaluation of the behavior of organic contaminants in environmental and food matrices.

Grupo de investigación dependiente del

​Departament of Environment and Agronomy

Our research group is focused on the development and application of analytical methodology to monitor organic contaminants and evaluate their effects and environmental fate. In addition, we develop methodologies that allow us to monitor the functioning of vegetation covers. The results obtained make it possible to evaluate the potential risk and propose possible solutions to reduce their environmental impact.
The main lines of research of the group are:

  • Development and application of analytical methodology for the determination of organic contaminants in environmental and food matrices.
  • Application of nanoparticles and molecular imprinted polymers in the determination of organic contaminants.
  • Studies on the distribution, persistence, absorption and degradation kinetics of organic contaminants in different matrices and environmental conditions.​


Analysis of organic contaminants

Method development and application for the determination of persistent and emerging organic contaminants in different environmental matrices.

Miniaturized sample preparation techniques are used before the analysis by chromatography and mass spectrometry. The methods allow the determination of a high number of compounds in a single analysis in complex matrices and at very low levels.

Evaluation of the behavior, persistence and bioavailability of contaminants in the environment.

The tests are carried out under controlled conditions of temperature and moisture content to evaluate two of the main routes of soil contamination, by applying amendments containing the contaminants or by irrigation with recycled water.

Safe use of organic amendments: Moving towards a Circular Economy.

Evaluation of the presence of organic contaminants and microplastics in organic amendments (sludge, pruning residues, manures, etc.) and their behavior during processing to obtain improved organic amendments (biochar, compost, etc.). In addition, the behavior (mobility) over time of organic contaminants in soils after the application of organic amendments is studied in greenhouse studies and real environmental conditions.

Synthesis of molecular imprinted polymers

  • One of the research lines of the group is focused on the synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) and their use in sample preparation procedures such as solid phase extraction, solid phase microextraction or in magnetic solid phase extraction employing modified magnetic particles.
  • The high selectivity provided by MIPs allows an improvement in the extraction of contaminants in different environmental and food samples, facilitating their subsequent determination using chromatographic techniques.

​​Application of Green Chemistry Principles

  • Research has been initiated to develop analytical methods based on the principles of Green Chemistry. Our main areas of work include the preparation of natural eutectic mixtures as an alternative to traditional organic solvents and the development of methods that minimize the cons​umption of organic solvents in the process.
  • Furthermore, we are researching the development of compact devices produced through 3D printing for use in sample preparation. Their acquisition would enable on-site identification of specific pollutants, eliminating the need for sample transportation to the laboratory and significantly reducing analysis and handling expenses.


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