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​Animal Reproduction​​


The Animal Reproduction Department of INIA studies both basic and applied aspects of reproduction in farm and wildlife animals. We are particularly interested in the development and application of assisted reproductive technologies (e.g. cryopreservation of gametes and embryos, AI, IVF, MOET and sperm and embryo sexing) to animal production and conservation.

  • Physiology and technology of reproduction in swine

    Our work is oriented to the study of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence reproduction in swine species.

  • Physiology and technologies of reproduction in wild species

    Comparative spermatology and cryobiology. In our work with wild species (mammal and avian species) our aims fall under the headings of their reproductive physiology and its application in conservation (germplasm banks) and sustainability. Bridges between wild animal reproduction and domestic animals reproductive technologies. Application in conservation of threatened breeds.

  • Gametogenesis and early embryonic development​

    Genetic control of preimplantation development and gametogenesis, applications in reproductive biotechnology, animal production and ART

  • Animal genomic engineering

    We study reproductive processes using CRISPR technology to improve fertility and to understand embryo development in farm animals and humans.

  • Animal parasitology and reproduction

    Our work is aimed at conducting epidemiological studies of parasitic diseases.

  • Animal production and sustainability

    Study, development and application of reproductive management techniques to increase production and sustainability, facilitating both in situ and ex situ conservation, through the establishment of germplasm banks, mainly of domestic breeds and wildlife species in danger of extinction or of a special interest.

  • Assisted reproduction and preimplantation embryology in bovine

    Our research focuses on the analysis of early embryonic development in vivo and in vitro in mammals, the understanding of mechanisms controlling embryo-maternal interactions, the study of factors responsible for infertility in dairy cows, and the development of strategies reducing embryonic losses and increasing pregnancy rates.

  • Spermatology in Animal Production and Conservation

    Spermatology in animal production and conservation (SAProC) and signalling mechanisms involved in sperm physiology and in the cross-talk and/or male-female interaction.

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