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Microbiological Food Safety​​

Microbiological Safety​​

Our research is focused on improving the microbiological safety of food through the application of minimal processing technologies (high hydrostatic pressure and biological antimicrobial systems), the genetic characterization of pathogens and the evaluation of the molecular mechanisms of response to the inactivation treatments.

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Food Technology

Foodborne diseases are still a major public health and economic concern. Our research is focused on improving the microbiological safety of foods, mainly foods of animal origin, through the application of minimal processing technologies, high hydrostatic pressure and biological antimicrobial systems. The genetic characterization of pathogens relevant to the Spanish food sector such as Listeria monocytogenes, enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Cronobacter spp., associated with outbreaks and foodborne illnesses, is performed. Traceability studies of persistent contamination in the industry are carried out. The capacity of microorganisms to form biofilms and their molecular mechanisms of response to disinfectants and minimal processing treatments are also evaluated.


The aim of the group is to achieve maximum microbiological safety of food, mainly foods of animal origin, through the application of minimal processing technologies, high hydrostatic pressure and biological antimicrobial systems. The genetic characterization of pathogens relevant to the Spanish food sector such as Listeria monocytogenes, enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Cronobacter spp., associated with outbreaks and foodborne illnesses, is performed. Traceability studies of persistent contamination in the industry are carried out. The capacity of microorganisms to form biofilms and their molecular mechanisms of response to disinfectants and minimal processing treatments are also evaluated.

Application of control strategies (high hydrostatic pressure and biopreservatives) to prevent or minimize the incidence and growth of L. monocytogenes and enterotoxigenic S. aureus in dry-cured meat products with less curing salts. This work is carried out both in meat models and dry-cured ham with reduced salt and nitrites.

To evaluate the effect of control strategies on gene expression of L. monocytogenes and S. aureus in dry-cured meat products. The expression patterns of virulence, toxicity and stress-related (osmotic, acid, etc.) genes in dry-cured ham are analyzed by qPCR.

To study the invasiveness and survival of L. monocytogenes cells through simulated gastrointestinal tract conditions previously exposed to sublethal stress due to the selected inactivation treatments.

Characterization of L. monocytogenes and enterotoxigenic S. aureus from dry-cured meat products processing plants through raw materials, final products, and environment and equipment surfaces sampling.

Molecular tracking of L. monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica and Cronobacter spp. in food processing environment by whole genome sequencing.

Effect of disinfectants used in food processing environments on planktonic cells and biofilms of L. monocytogenes and S. enterica. Different levels of disinfectants are assessed both on biofilm formation and the virulence of isolates.


Microbiological Food Safety​​ Members

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Dissemination activities

Congresses and meetings 

  • Listeria Cero project. Jornada de Actualización Tecnológica sobre Listeria monocytogenes. Madrid, Spain (2019). 
  • Staphylococcus aureus behavior in sliced dry-cured ham. ANICE meeting (2019). 
  • Staphylococcus aureus: incidence in the meat industry and behavior in dry-cured ham. Consolider Network meeting, Safety and healthy meat products (INPROCARSA). Madrid, Spain (2019). 
  •  Presentation of two posters in XXVII Congress of Spanish Society of Microbiology. Málaga, Spain (2019). 
  •  Presentation of three posters in X World Ham Congress. Madrid, Spain (2019). 

Dissemination articles 

  • Martínez-Suárez J.V., López Abarquero P., Ortiz Jareño S. (2020). Biofilms formation in meat processing environment. Tecnocarne 11/02/2020. 
  •  Montiel R., Gaya P., Nuñez M, Medina M. (2020). Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes during dry-cured ham processing and ripening. Eurocarne 288. 

Training activities

  • Tutoring of PhD students. Aida Pérez Baltar, FPI-SGIT 2015 (2016-2020). 
  •  Degree Project in Food Science and Technology. Rey Juan Carlos University, (2019-2020). Alba Cristina Ortega Rodríguez. Effect of two disinfects used in food processing environments on planktonic cells and biofilms of Salmonella enterica. Supervisors: María del Pilar Martínez Hidalgo, Joaquín V. Martínez-Suárez and Sagrario Ortiz Jareño. 
  • Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods. Characterization of contamination and elimination strategies. Course on Evaluation of Listeria control plans. Talavera de la Reina (Toledo). 

 Advisory activities and services 

  • Advisory activities for the Food Safety Working Group of the Technology Platform Food for Life Spain. 
  •  Collaboration with the National Network of Emerging Risks coordinated by AESAN (Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency). 

 International and national collaborations 

  •  Collaboration in research activities with Prof. Kalliopi Rantsiou from Universitá degli Studi di Torino (Italy). 
  •  Collaboration in research activities with Dr. López-Alonso, Computational Biology Unit, UFIEC, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Majadahonda, Madrid. 
  •  Cooperation in research activities with Dra. Brito, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa.​

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