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Population genetics and evolution

Our research addresses the demographic, reproductive and genetic processes that influence the diversity and adaptation of forest species in changing environments, especially in the Mediterranean area. We study gene flow, local adaptation, plasticity and phenotypic integration and develop applications for the management and conservation of forest genetic resources as well as new statistical methods.

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We are a reference group in forest genetics at national and international level, focused mainly on the genomic basis of adaptive processes in forest tree populations. We are highly multidisciplinary, with expertise in quantitative and molecular population genetics, ecological genomics, evolutionary ecology, and conservation genetics. We are particularly interested in ecosystems of high biological diversity, such as Mediterranean forests. In addition to our interest in better understanding forest adaptation from a theoretical point of view, we also address the molecular basis of adaptation from a biogeographic point of view and develop applications for the management and conservation of forest genetic resources in relation to global change.


• Phylogeography of forest species

• Reproduction and dispersal systems

• Genetic variation, plasticity and phenotypic integration

• Evolution of life histories in Mediterranean pines

• Molecular basis of local adaptation

• Interaction between local adaptation and gene flow

• Inference methods of gene flow and natural selection

• Use of forest reproductive material

• Application to the management and conservation of forest genetic resources

• Diversity (taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional) in forest ecosystems


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