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​Analysis of bioactive compounds and food allergens in plant foods.

​Determination of bioactive compounds related to the nutritional and functional quality of plant food (inositol phosphates, protease inhibitors, lectins, vicine, convicine and L-Dopa). Detection and quantification of plant food allergens.

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The services offered allow the qualitative and quantitative analysis of bioactive compounds related to nutritional and functional quality of raw and processed plant foods and which have beneficial effects on health and can affect the bioavailability of some nutrients.

The bioactive compounds to analyze as a service are: inositol phosphates (phytic acid IP6 and partially phosphorylated isomers), protease inhibitors, lectins, vicine, convicine and L-Dopa.

These services are useful both for food companies interested in the fortification of products with bioactive compounds in order to increase nutritional quality of their products as well as national and international research centers needing to determine these compounds on their samples.

Detection and quantification of plant food allergens by qPCR (real-time PCR) in raw and processed foods. This methodology makes it possible to detect the presence of minimal amounts of severe plant allergens (mainly nuts and legumes) in raw and processed foods with high specificity and sensitivity. This service is of interest to the food industry and regulatory agencies that need to detect and quantify the presence of allergens for labelling purposes and to avoid cross-contamination.


  • Inositol phosphate analysis: Phytic acid (IP6) and partially phosphorylated isomers are determined by HPLC (high precision liquid chromatography) and IR detector.
  • Analysis of protease inhibitors by spectrophotometry.
  • Analysis of lectins by immunoassay and haemagglutination test.
  • Vicine, convicine and L-Dopa analysis using HPLC and DAD detector.
  • Detection and quantification of food allergens using qPCR.​

​Preguntas frecuentes

How much sample is needed?

1-5 g of dry sample. 

How long does it take to get the results?

3 weeks but it may depending on the analysis and number of samples.​

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