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​​The Institute of Forest Science ICIFOR-INIA is one of the most relevant centres for forest science in Spain, creating knowledge about the composition, structure, processes, conservation, management and sustainable use of forest systems and resources.

M. Teresa Cervera Goy

M. Teresa Cervera Goy



Avda. Padre Huidobro, kilómetro 7,5 28040 Madrid, España Tel: +34 913 476 780

ICIFOR brochure

The mission of the ICIFOR-INIA is to provide society with the necessary knowledge to carry out the conservation, management and sustainable use of forest systems and resources, in the current panorama of Global Change and the Sustainable Development Goals. The results of its research and development activity are transmitted directly by publications and technology transfer, as well as through scientific-technical services provided to public administrations and to associations and companies in the forestry sector.

The institute integrates teams with expertise in forest genetics, ecology, dynamics and disturbances, as well as in sustainable forest management and silviculture. We also work on the characterisation and improvement of the raw materials obtained from the forest, and in the design and optimisation of the processes for their transformation. The complementarity of researchers and research groups allows to address the challenges of the forestry sector in an interdisciplinary manner.

The Central Institute for Technical Forestry Experimentation was founded in 1907, re-founded in 1929 as the Forestry Institute for Research and Experimentation (IFIE), and integrated in 1971 as Centre within the INIA. In 2022, its name changed into Institute of Forst Science,  as it is now a research institute of CSIC, the Spanish National Research Council.


The research line of the institute are developed within three departments, viz. Forest ecology and genetics, Forest dynamics and management, and Forest products, following the guidelines of the Strategic Plan of the Centre 2022-2025:

    • Wood and cork, Pulp and paper, non wood forest products

    • Forest fires and forest pathology.

    • Genetic resources, tending and optimisation of plantation forestry for biomass production and high-valued bio-resources.

    • Growth and yield models, silviculture and multipurpose forest management.

    • Forest system management

    • Composition, structure, processes and regeneration of forest systems and their response to climate change.

    • Forest ecosystem dynamics and processes

    • Genetic and functional bases of adaptation and acclimation in forest species. Population genetics and evolutionary processes in changing environments.

    • Adaptation and evolution of forest species.


CIFOR cuenta con 19 laboratorios, dos redes experimentales de parcelas de campo

- Red de Ensayos Genéticos Forestales GENFORED y Sitios de Ensayo de Gestión Forestal Sostenible SEGEFORS - infraestructuras como invernaderos, viveros, una planta piloto de celulosas, un túnel de viento y colecciones - herbario, xiloteca, suberoteca - que permiten desarrollar el trabajo habitual de investigación y desarrollo del centro.

Services and Resources

  • Servicios que ofrece el CIFOR

    • Determinación de la calidad de la madera, el corcho y sus productos derivados, así como de pastas de celulosa, papeles y cartones.

    • Evaluación de la eficacia de los protectores de la madera.

    • Identificación, datación y diagnóstico de daños en maderas.

    • Estudio de la durabilidad natural de maderas.

    • Eficacia de los productos químicos utilizados en la lucha contra los incendios forestales.

    • Caracterización y evaluación de material forestal de reproducción.

Instituto de Ciencias Forestales ​(ICIFOR)

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